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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Be Careful What You Vote For...

It's just after midnight. I am tired. I am saddened by the news. I am fearful for the future of America, and even for the lives of my family, especially my 2 young sons.

A nation founded on liberty and self-reliance just voted for a Marxist. Someone ideologically opposed to everything America stands for. What the hell has happened?

I am no McCain fan. I voted for Bob Barr. New Jersey was so heavily in the Obama tank it really didn't matter apparently. But I held out hope that a slow drive to a nanny state would provide more hope than someone on the express flight to it.

But people turned out to vote for a guy based solely on feel-good platitudes and nothing else. They bought the steak for the sizzle without checking to see that the steak is poisoned. They swallowed the cult of personality surrounding Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, it's a cult of personality. Look at the campaign posters. Very reminiscent of the old Soviet-era propaganda posters, aren't they?

Listening to his speech I am more nauseated as the Obama Borg mindlessly recite the bumper sticker slogans that got him into office. People who have no idea what the hell someone stands for voted for someone based on NOTHING.

"Oh, he brings CHANGE!"
"Hope! Believe!"
"Yes We Can!"

Do you realize what you've done? No. You don't. But it will become so apparent to you in the coming months as your liberties are taken away in the name of "security" or "for the good of the country" you'll understand.

Let's just wait for that test Senator Biden mentioned. Some of you will probably be killed in this test. And for that I am sorry now. But in crisis, people go for charisma. They did it in Germany in 1933. They did it in Russia in 1917. America 2008 is next.

Hamas and al-Qaeda supported Obama. They are rejoicing tonight. When our enemies rejoice, worry. Be very worried.

- F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Circling the Wagons

This is definitely a strange time we live in.

Lately, more and more so-called conservatives and allies of these so-called conservatives have been throwing endorsements at Barack Obama. Here is a small list of recent "defectors":

Andrew Sullivan
Kathleen Parker
David Frum
Christopher Buckley
David Brooks
David Gergen
Matthew Dowd
Ed Rollins
Frank Luntz
Peggy Noonan
Michael Smerconish
Colin Powell (not a "conservative" per se but someone who was closely associated with them)

How can someone who claims to be a conservative conceivably put their support behind someone as Left-leaning as barack Obama? Is it the fear of being labeled a "racist"? Is it some antipathy for John McCain and/or Sarah Palin?

While there is some disdain for Palin (Noonan in particular), I see it as a disturbing sign that the elites on both sides have taken the mask off.

I haven't had faith in our elected officials for some time. The bailout showed us all that the will of the people means absolutely nothing to them. The House turned down the original bailout bill, so the Senate keeps the same bill but adds pork to it to get the votes from the traitors in the House and it passes. And now they are talking about MORE bailouts of money that doesn't really exist.

Now I see that the "conservative" voices are endorsing a Marxist. It's the elites tightening ranks. This is the class warfare they were complaining about not too long ago - only now we can see which side of the divide they are sitting on. They'd rather stick with their elitist pals, liberal or conservative, then see any real improvement in things for you and I.

"Joe the Plumber" nailed Obama by getting him (albeit inadvertently) to admit he's going to redistribute wealth, which is the cornerstone of Marxism. And the media went ballistic to tear this Joe Schmoe down.

Our politicians have betrayed us. We know this. They only care about their money and power, and to hell with you. Now the pundits are revealing that you don't matter, their wallets are all that matter.

These people will not be affected by Obama's "change". They have their money tucked away safely away from his tax plans. They don't like the idea of a commoner like Sarah Palin being in charge. They want their friends in power so they can live nice and comfy.

They can not stand you and I. We are but mere puppets for their power games. They know if they can keep us at each others' throats, we'll never unite and remove them from power.

Think about it - General Colin Powell endorses the most anti-military major party candidate in history. Where's the logic in that? On the surface, it seems there is none. Then remember that Obama made mention of a "civilian national security force" - perhaps Powell is angling to become Gneralissimo to The Messiah's police force.

And the pundits? Oh, they're just struggling to keep on as the voice of "the opposition". It's all a damned charade. They pretend to be offended by the Left when they know they will be insulated from any hardship by virtue of their elite friends. Nothing that happens will affect them. So what if we suffer?

Our Founders intended for Congress to be run BY the people - by farmers (as Jefferson loved to ponder), millers, smiths - in other words, the common man. Congress is made up primarily of lawyers. Very few of them have a clue what we think as a people, very few even care unless it's election time. Then they'll put on the airs of the common man, get your votes, then jump in the shower screaming "UNCLEAN!" for having condescended to our level.

Folks, we're at a very pivotal point in our history. The government of the people, by the people, and for the people is very, VERY close to being lost forever. You and I need to band together and fight back. We need to get people in office who are us; we need to get people in there who want to take power away from Washington and put it back in the hands of the States or cities - back in the hands of the people.

It is OUR country. And it is high time we take it back. It's a bit late for 2008 unless we somehow convince 50 million people to vote for Bob Barr. I'm not holding my breath, as much as I'd like it. We need to get all of the bums out who ignore the will of the people. There are a scant few left who are doing right, like Reps. Jon Culberson and Ron Paul of Texas (God bless Texas!) who know that the best government is one that butts out of those things it's got no business in.

Government is the problem and not the solution. And this now includes the people we put into office to represent us. They are NOT doing their job, and they need to be let go. But it is up to you and I to do the firing. Start investing time in finding people of principle to run for office. If that means you, then go for it.

The Republican and Democratic parties have forsaken us in the name of money and power. You can try to shake it up from within but you're up against a huge political machine that will do all it can to keep you from getting into office. Sarah Palin is an exception - people got fed up enough there to tell the establishment to go to hell. You and I need to do the same.

Stay strong, friends. We live in interesting times.

- F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Future Orwellian Heritage

The "Fairness Doctrine".

The "Employee Free Choice Act".

These sound like good things, don't they? Fairness, free choice. What's not to like?

Well, a little reading into WHAT these are reveals a lot, and a lot more about the people who support them.

If you're reading this, you probably know the Fairness Doctrine is "an attempt to ensure that all coverage of controversial issues by a broadcast station be balanced and fair. (link)". In practice, this stifled most meaningful conversation of issues on our airwaves - it's simply too much hassle to worry about every viewpoint being carried equally, so it was easier to just not bring it up. The Heritage Foundation has a very good piece on this, to be found here.

The "Employee Free Choice Act" in practice takes away the one free choice workers have - the right to a secret ballot. Human events exaplins it thusly:

The bill makes it much easier to create a union at a business -- the union bosses can publicly pressure a majority of workers to sign union authorization cards (thus, the name “card check”). There is no secret ballot -- workers sign the cards in front of other employees and union leaders, and union officials keep the signed cards until they obtain the required number. Under the watchful eyes (and arm twisting) of union organizers, workers will be intimidated into signing. (link)

Who's behind such sinister and Orwellian ideas? You get three guesses, and the first two don't count.

The Democrats, those champions of freedom, they are to thank (or blame, if you prefer). Why? Well, when you consider what's become of the Democratic Party, it's clear - the Marxists and the far Left have taken it over, and they despise dissent.

It's what separates a conservative from a liberal. A conservative may disagree with you, and fiercely so. But a conservative will never try to silence your ability to speak your mind (well, unless the safety of others comes into play).

A liberal will scream at you and do all they can to silence you.

Whenever the Left puts out something with a nice platitude, look more closely...you might be in for a shock.

-F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Bailout SAVED Us?

Now, I admit my memory isn't the greatest. But even I can remember how last week we were told by so many talking heads and empty suits that this 700 billion dollar bailout was going to save the economy, save the Republic, cure male pattern baldness, and who knows what else!

Now, this morning, listening to the radio on the way in, I'm hearing a different tale.

The markets are going down and down HARD around the world. My home state of New Jersey is setting aside more of our money for counseling and remedies for "the very hard times ahead of us". Commercials imploring us to bank with the local credit unions as they don't have money in sub-primes or Fannie and Freddie, and they will weather the coming storm. (Luckily I am already in a credit union.)

Um, forgive me if I'm wrong, but if this bailout was such a great thing, then will someone explain to me WHY we're now being told to batten down the hatches for the hellstorm that's unavoidably coming our way?

Or does the government just assume we're so stupid that we'll forget all that pandering and grandstanding we saw last week and go back to watching whatever drivel is on TV?

Note - I say "the" government. Not "our" government. Last week was the clincher - they are not ours. They ignore the will of the people, who overwhelmingly screamed "NO" to them, and we were summarily ignored.

Representative government died officially last week. The mask is off, as are the gloves. Washington no longer gives a damn about you or I. All that matters is the power and the money. Wall Street has it and lines their pockets, so they get the bailout when they louse up. Joe and Jane Schmoes across America, though - you screw up, oh well, tighten that belt!

Anyone who voted for King Pork last week should be tried (and accordingly punished) for treason. Consitutents were extremely vocal about this. We the people said no to any bailout, because even we commoners know the free market will correct itself. So what if it means some tough times? They're going to come now anyway! This morning alone the Dow is tanking.

And now California is sticking their hand out looking for some "free money" from Uncle Scam. Ahhhhnold can get loans for California's debt, but the interest rate isn't good enough.

And so begins the fall of America. Unless you and I take action now. it begins with throwing the scum out of office who brought this upon us. It begins with voting for someone OTHER than McCain or Obama - both of whom readily voted Yes to throwing our money at Wall Street in a panicked attempt to stop the bleeding. Neither of them give a damn about the people.

As my cohort S.D. said to me - we are now ruled by 535 King George IIIs.

Vote for Chuck Baldwin, vote for Bob Barr. They're interested in trimming the fat from government. They have a genuine interest in returning power back to We the People. And, they haven't been bought!

Time to reboot the system and see if that helps. If not. it might be time to rebuild on the Founders' principles and start fresh.

- F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes

Friday, October 3, 2008

RIP America 1776-2008

Today the Republic was dealt a death blow.

Monday the House rejected the 700 BILLION dollar bailout of Wall Street. Stocks plunged, but the people rejoiced.

It's only natural: the people have no interest in saving a bunch of criminals from their own greed and stupidity. And Wall street panicked because they weren't handed their money on a silver platter.

The Senate has subsequently passed the same bill, only with added pork to entice the criminals on the hill to vote yes - all their favorite pet projects got put in, and how could they say no? After all, the entire House is up for re-election this November. And voting 'no' would have meant they said 'no' to their constituents in the guise of those pork projects.

Greed won the day, and common sense, liberty, and you and I will take it on the chin.

Bear in mind that BOTH McCain and Obama voted 'yes' to the bill.

Change, my ass. More of the same, tired DC manure. Neither one will change a damn thing for the better. It's a choice between a socialist state now or in a couple years. Both want more government when history PROVES less government is better for the economy.

A state-run economy is socialism. That is as simple as I can make it.

Our government no longer represents the interests of those who voted them in. I've read that as many as 90% of calls to Congress were against not just this bill, but ANY bill to bail out the scum who drove the economy into crisis mode. And yet the majority of our elected officials ignored the pleas of their own people.

For those who voted 'no', I thank you for standing up for us. To the rest of you, to Hell with the lot of you. Enjoy feeding time at the trough, you pigs, your time is running out fast, either come Election Day or when the economy completely implodes and we get taken out as the superpower.

I hope you're happy with this. It will be on your hands forever.

- F.D. for 2joeschmoes

Monday, August 4, 2008

True Patriots!

This past Friday, something amazing happened in our nation's capital, and very little attention was paid to it by the "mainstream" media. Our representatives flipped us off, figuratively anyway.

Not all of them, but the Democrats did, and a number of Republicans apparently did as well. Pelosi decided that going on vacation was more important than bringing up a vote on opening up drilling and oil exploration in our own country. They voted to go on vacation and cut off the cameras, lights, and microphones in the middle of a speech from one of the Republican representatives. If this isn't a blatant disregard for the democratic process and for liberty, what is?

In any case, there were a few Republican reps who remained in the chamber all afternoon speaking out on behalf of the people.

There are some heroes in this. These are the true patriots:

Rep. Brian Bilbray, Calif.
Rep. Gus Bilirakis, Fla.
Rep. Rob Bishop, Utah
Rep. Roy Blunt, Mo.
Rep. John Boehner, Mich.
Rep. John Boozman, Ariz.
Rep. Kevin Brady, Texas
Rep. Paul Broun, Ga.
Rep. Henry Brown, S.C.
Rep. Michael Burgess, Texas
Rep. Tom Cole, Okla.
Rep. John Campbell, Calif.
Rep. Eric Cantor, Va.
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, W.V.
Rep. John Carter, Texas.
Rep. Mike Conaway, Texas
Rep. John Culberson, Texas
Rep. Charlie Dent, Penn.
Rep. Mary Fallin, Okla.
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, Neb.
Rep. Virginia Foxx, N.C.
Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas
Rep. Wally Herger, Calif.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, Mich.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, Calif.
Rep. Steve King, Iowa
Rep. Dan Lungren, Calif.
Rep. Don Manzullo, Ill.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Calif.
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, Mich.
Rep. Devin Nunes, Calif.
Rep. Mike Pence, Ind.
Rep. Chip Pickering, Miss.
Rep. Todd Platts, Penn
Rep. Ted Poe, Texas
Rep. Jon Porter, Nev.
Rep. Tom Price, Ga.
Rep. Adam Putnam, Fla.
Rep. Mike Rogers, Mich.
Rep. Bill Sali, Idaho
Rep. John Shadegg, Ariz.
Rep. John Shimkus, Ill.
Rep. Adrian Smith, Neb.
Rep. Michael Turner, Ohio
Rep. Tim Walberg, Mich
Rep. Greg Walden, Ore.
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, Ga.
Rep. Joe Wilson, S.C.

I signed up on Twitter to follow 2 of the reps, Hoekstra and Culberson. Rep. Culberson pointed out a couple very interesting points:
"We would ask the Pres to call Congress into special session but the Senate
used a sneaky trick to prevent this - they are still in session"

"Senate is in "pro forma session" for 5 minutes every day all summer to
stop the Pres from calling a special session to drill here drill now"

I think that's extremely underhanded and treasonous. It really shows you how much the Democrats value our freedoms and our wishes. Why not bring it up on a vote? Because they know it would pass, and they know that it will hurt Obama.

If Obama votes for drilling, he's waffled. If he votes against it, he will catch hell for it as well.

People, take your country back from the far Left! Call your reps and demand they show up and vote on drilling.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Really Inconvenient Truth

Normally, when I see something that sounds too good to be true, I check it out on Snopes. It's really useful to stop in-laws from sending you 300 forwards a day. They don't like finding out they're just unpaid spammers.

But this one is a beauty and yes, Virginia, it's really true. Here's the Snopes link explaining it.

I proceed:

A Tale of Two Houses

House #1: A 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern "snow belt" area. It's in the South.

House #2: Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university. This house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground.

The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE #1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee ; It is the abode of "environmentalist" Al Gore.

HOUSE #2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas; It is the residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

Why do we hear none of this from our "fair" and "objective" media? Because the truth has no place in the Left's agenda. Who wants to hear that the self-professed champion of the environment is one of it's worst personal polluters? And who among the media wants to admit that the "evil oil man" Bush is actually greener than Gore?

Read, my friends. Read. Know the Truth, and it will set you free.

-F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes

The Big Global Warming Lie

To any reader who takes at least a few minutes a day to read, you probably already are aware that the "science" for man-made global warming is shaky at best. Honestly, it's more like an outright lie and what I like to call the Left's Ultimate Power Grab. The Left historically gets power through crises, whether real (like the Depression) or imagined (like this) when there is no crisis.

A fellow blogger posted a link to an article from a mere 30 years ago (OK, 34, but I'm just rounding) from Time Magazine regarding the fear of "global cooling"! The link can be had here.

Yes, for those of you born after 1980, there was a hysteria over the inevitability of a new Ice Age! And guess what one of the causes was? Read the following snippet:

Man, too, may be somewhat responsible for the cooling trend. The University of
Wisconsin's Reid A. Bryson and other climatologists suggest that dust and other
particles released into the atmosphere as a result of farming and fuel burning
may be blocking more and more sunlight from reaching and heating the surface of
the earth.

Indeed, we were driving ourselves to our doom! Sound familiar? And in the 1970s, gas was a lot dirtier than it is now! Back in those days, you had a choice between leaded and unleaded gas.

We were also told that the rainforests and oil would be all used up by now. But they're both still here, and in abundance. Heck, the US alone is sitting on centuries worth of oil. But the Left can't have us use it, because producing our own oil won't increase the supply. Such logic passes for intelligent thought nowadays. Makes me afraid for the future.

- F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes

Friday, May 16, 2008

Reprint - Top Ten Skeletons in the Left's Closet

I know it's been a very long time since posting - but the duties of the world call and I had to address them.

That said, one of the most concise yet brilliant articles I've seen in a while was posted today on FrontPage, one of the better conservative sites. The link to the article is here.

Top Ten Skeletons in the Left's Closet

Without plagiaraizing the entire piece, here's the rundown of the author's list:

10. Ayatollah Khomeini, Leftist Hero
9. Manson Family Values
8. Gay Activists Sue to Block AIDS Test
7. Murder Chic
6. Jonestown Kool-Aid
5. Concentration Camps, American Style
4. Heaven on Earth
3. Eugenics
2. Assassinating Presidents
1. Nazi-Soviet Pact

Speaks volumes how the Left's own sick ideas get twisted into being the fault of conservatives when it doesn't go the way they planned it.

Just more examples of why it's so important to read your history.

- F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Open Letter to Jon Corzine

Folks, As S.D. is pointing out in another post, our very electoral system is under attack.

As many of you are well aware from the elections of 2000 and to a lesser degree 2004, our presidential elections are not decided purely by popular vote. Rather, each state has a winner and that state sends electors to vote for that person, in numbers representative to that state's presence in Congress.

This was done so that larger states would not have dominion over the course of the nation; in short, so that everyone is represented fairly.

Well, so far two states are trying to end that through unconstitutional legislation. Maryland and now my native New Jersey have signed bills awarding their states' electoral college votes to the winner of the national election, rather than to whomever won their own state's voting. This is as illegal and unconstitutional as it gets.

This is saying that if someone wins 75% of your state's vote, but the overall national vote goes to someone else, then your state's results mean nothing, the electors will be told to vote for the other person, even though it does not represent your decision. That is fraud, and it has to be stopped before our election process is irretrievably broken. Such nonsense may well lead to the breakup of our nation along party lines.

Part of me wonders if this would be happening if Al Gore lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. It should come as no shock that the two states seeking to undermine our free and fair election process are heavily Democrat.

Such is my outrage over this, I had to act.

I wrote the following letter to New Jersey governor Jon Corzine in the hopes that common sense and respect for our nation's laws will prevail. If I receive a reply, I will let you know.

Dear Governor Corzine:

I am writing to you somewhat shocked, and honestly appalled at the legislation you signed this weekend to award the state's 15 electoral votes to the winner of the national election.

Sir, do you realize that this is a direct violation of the United States Constitution, mentioned in both Article II as well as the Twelfth Amendment?

Our electoral process is clearly set up so that regional blocs cannot control the fate of the entire nation. This way, every state has a say in the outcome of the election.

The idea of a national popular vote was discussed by the authors of the Constitution and deliberately rejected.

This idea was rejected not because the framers distrusted the people but rather because the larger populous states would have much greater influence than the smaller states and therefore the interests of those smaller states could be disregarded or trampled. Additionally, a nationwide election would encourage regionalism since the more populous areas of the country could form coalitions to elect president after president from their own region. With such
regional preferentialism, lasting national unity would be nearly impossible.

Sir, I implore you to reverse this leglislation, as it is detrimental to not only the fairness of our electoral process, but to our stability as a nation as well.

Sincerely,F D

- F. D. for Two Joe Schmoes

P.S. I've also written a letter to my representative, Frank Pallone (D-NJ) with the problem in simple terms so even he can grasp the seriousness of it. I will also post any replies I get from him. Admittedly, Rep Pallone is pretty good at replying to me, with Senator Lautenberg (D-NJ) responding less often, and Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) never replying at all.

Here's the letter:

Honorable Rep. Pallone:

As you are probably aware, over the weekend our governor signed legislation which would award our states electoral college votes to the winner of the national election. I am writing to express my outrage over this and to ask you to ask Mr. Corzine to rescind this, since it is in clear
violation of Article II of the US Constitution, as well as Amendment XII.

Our electoral college is in place to be representative of our nation. Each state votes in the presidential election, and the winner of each state sends its respective number of electors to elect our President. This was designed intentionally by the Founders to prevent larger states from dictating election outcomes to the smaller states.

Under Governor Corzine's bill, the voters of New Jersey, and indeed America itself, will be disenfranchised. Say for example, New Jersey's voters vote 70% for Candidate A, but Candidate B wins the popular vote. Is it fair, then to award the electoral votes of New Jersey to the
candidate that it's own constituents did NOT vote for?

No, it's not fair, in fact, it's illegal, unconstitutional, and blatant vote fraud.

I urge you to stop these unconstitutional bills from destroying our electoral

Thank you,

Tyranny by Popular Vote.

The first sign of tyranny is showing its ugly head. Maryland and now New Jersey have pushed through a law that would award their state's Electoral College vote to the presidential winner of the national popular vote.


Folks, this move is completely unconstitutional.

Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution clearly states the following:

Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector.

The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice President.

Our founding fathers rejected Democracy as a form of mob rule and implemented a Constitutional Republic. They wanted to prevent the big states from controlling the rights of the small states. To put it in clearer terms, a national popular vote would have bill in New York City determine what is best for Farmer Bob in Kansas. The brilliance of this system makes sure that Farmer Bob in Kansas is just as equal to Bill in New York City They had the foresight and wisdom to understand that a national popular vote would hand control of the country to a tyrannical centralized government.

This is another disgusting ploy from the Democrat party to sabotage our time tested traditions, and guarantee that left leaning cities like Los Angeles and NYC control the rest of the country. Everyone needs to write, e-mail, or call their House of Representatives, Senators, and State Governors and protest this abhorrent move. I sincerely hope this issue will be brought up to the U.S. Supreme Court. We need to stop this now, before it gets out of hand.




S.D. for Two Joe Schmoes.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Call For True Fairness

I'm making a bet here that if you're actually reading this page, then you have at least a passing interest in political affairs and of our government.

That said, I think most people, liberal as well as conservative, can come to an agreement that the media's handling of the presidential campaigns for both major parties has been anything but fair.

Go back to the summer of 2007, where the media was coming up with ways to shun some candidates by establishing "tiers" - there were the "top-tier" people - generally those with a lot of cash backup or with really bland agendas which won't do any good but sound all fluffy, then the "second-tier" candidates, generally people who actually backed up what they said and took a decisive stand on issues. These are the Mike Gravels, Ron Pauls, Tom Tancredos and Duncan Hunters.

Maybe for the next elections, and even for state elections as well, we can do some things befitting our American heritage of "equal treatment" and individual liberty:

  1. DO NOT jump the gun and lump candidates into "tiers". Why not trust the people to make that decision? Or are you afraid a man (or woman) of principle will get elected? The media shun Ron Paul but he still makes pretty impressive showings despite getting support from the grassroots. My personal favorites, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo, were written off almost from the start and essentially ignored by the media. How, I wonder, might they have fared if not lumped into the "long shot" bunch?
  2. Let all the candidates into the debates. Fox denied Paul and Hunter access to debates, citing they "didn't have the room", which is a load of nonsense from a multi-billion dollar company. Am I to seriously believe that Fox couldn't afford a bigger table or at least a couple chairs and microphones? By not allowing all the candidates on, you're only stifling freedom of choice, you're not allowing people to hear the assorted platforms and ideas and therefore not allowing them to make a more educated decision.
  3. What about some of the other parties? I know their support bases are small (I'm registered with the Constitution Party myself, one of a scant few in new Jersey), but their opinions need to be heard as well. Have debates where you get a few of the other parties involved. Put the Greens up there, but the Libertarians up there, the Constitutionalists, whoever wants to come be heard. Interview them on the shows like all the major party candidates do.
  4. Please, media elites - Stop trying to predict the future! Polls change daily and don't mean squat. This election cycle has managed to make the whole lot of pundits look like utter jackasses and the frauds they are. Maybe this is a sign that the people have no respect for you and your biases.

If only the talking heads would just throttle back and let the democratic process work itself out without their meddling, maybe the country wouldn't be so close to veering so dangerously off course.

- F.D. for Two Joe Schmoes

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dim Bulbs in Washington

Have our leaders lost their minds, or are they simply wandering around in the dark?

Congress has decided to ban incandescent lightbulbs.

Why, you ask?

Because the lie of "man-made" global warming has consumed Congress, and supposedly, incandescent buls do not fit into the new order, where fluorescent bulbs do. The incandescent bulbs allegedly burn out faster and use more energy than fluorescent lights.

But here's some information you may not know:

Fluorescent bulbs contain mercury inside, making them a toxic mess if and when they break. The light from them is not as bright, and some complain the light causes headaches among other things.

Worst of all, where our incandescent lights are mainly made here in the USA, every last one of the replacement fluorescent lights are made in Communist China.

So, if you boil it down, our Congress has sold out yet more American workers and a small piece of our freedoms in the name of a lie.

Thank you, Congress. And you wonder why most Americans can't stand you. Keep selling the people down the river like chattel, keep stepping on us, and try not to cry too much when you're voted out of office.

- F.D. for Two Joe Schmoes