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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Be Careful What You Vote For...

It's just after midnight. I am tired. I am saddened by the news. I am fearful for the future of America, and even for the lives of my family, especially my 2 young sons.

A nation founded on liberty and self-reliance just voted for a Marxist. Someone ideologically opposed to everything America stands for. What the hell has happened?

I am no McCain fan. I voted for Bob Barr. New Jersey was so heavily in the Obama tank it really didn't matter apparently. But I held out hope that a slow drive to a nanny state would provide more hope than someone on the express flight to it.

But people turned out to vote for a guy based solely on feel-good platitudes and nothing else. They bought the steak for the sizzle without checking to see that the steak is poisoned. They swallowed the cult of personality surrounding Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, it's a cult of personality. Look at the campaign posters. Very reminiscent of the old Soviet-era propaganda posters, aren't they?

Listening to his speech I am more nauseated as the Obama Borg mindlessly recite the bumper sticker slogans that got him into office. People who have no idea what the hell someone stands for voted for someone based on NOTHING.

"Oh, he brings CHANGE!"
"Hope! Believe!"
"Yes We Can!"

Do you realize what you've done? No. You don't. But it will become so apparent to you in the coming months as your liberties are taken away in the name of "security" or "for the good of the country" you'll understand.

Let's just wait for that test Senator Biden mentioned. Some of you will probably be killed in this test. And for that I am sorry now. But in crisis, people go for charisma. They did it in Germany in 1933. They did it in Russia in 1917. America 2008 is next.

Hamas and al-Qaeda supported Obama. They are rejoicing tonight. When our enemies rejoice, worry. Be very worried.

- F.D. for 2 Joe Schmoes